Be The Best - Intro to Mind & Body

Dear Friends,
Greetings! Welcome Back ☺

In the previous post we mentioned about our SEER factors and these factors influences us to be what we are today. If you have not gone through previous post Click here Now let's go little deeper, experts says that any living being on this planet is the combination of Mind, Body and Soul. We know Body! but what is Mind and Soul?... Since many people aware of Mind and Body let discuss about it deeper. Some people may not believe about soul and some time we connect it with spirituality/religion so we keep this aside for now, if anyone needs to know or needs any understanding we can discuss later about soul.

So in simple the integrity between Mind and Body is the ultimate secret or key to Success/Happiness. The one who has control over mind and body will have control over their life. If something is not working for you then it is the fact that you don't have control  over mind and body or you lack in integrating both. In upcoming post we can see in depth about Mind and Body integration with real life examples. Please remember Awareness is cure! Most of the time we will have solutions to our issues when we know how things work. Experts says that Sub-conscious mind is very powerful and if you know to program it to be Successful! We partially agree with this but our research with hundreds of people have given some insightful results. So we have understood there are other things which are more powerful than Sub-conscious mind ☺

Let us go one by one, as we progress further you will understand by yourself and you will be able to connect with your life. Let us start with mind first... So far no one has proved where the Mind is? or Anatomy of mind? Following things are just a theory but it suits perfectly with our real life experiences. Researchers says that Mind is the ball of Electro Magnetic field in and around us which has various state of awareness. Based on awareness Mind is classified into different names those are Conscious Mind, Un-Conscious Mind, Sub-Conscious Mind, Super Conscious Mind.

In our day to day life we normally access our conscious & sub-conscious, with little practice and focus one can have access to Super conscious. When we were born there is only one conscious that is sub-conscious mind. Sub-conscious mind is just a memory bank or storage which stores all our memories, experience, habits, character/behaviour, skills sets, talents etc...  As we grow Conscious mind slowly evolves. Memories and experiences enters to our mind with our developed sense organs. Normally our senses and sense organs develops in the following order.

1.Touch (Kinesthetic / Somatosensation)

2. Smell (Olfaction)
3.Taste (Gustation)
4. Hearing (Audition)
5. Sight (Vision)

Recent studies says that we start taking/registering information even before taking birth from the womb itself. So parents have great responsibility contributing to their child character. We will be studying deeper little later about this. Now coming back to Mind, as said above Sub-conscious acts a storage unit similar to computer hard disk. Where in our Conscious mind takes care what ever we do consciously like thinking, analysing, judging, decision making in simple it is our belief system which drives all our conscious activities. Let's understand more about Mind in upcoming post friends see you soon...☺

Be The Best! Launching Our First Post!

Dear Friends,

Warm greeting and Welcome to Emayam Academy!!!


Our intention is to make you the Best in every part of your life. We are going to share our experience to transform you, we are sure that the concepts we are gonna share will help you a lot. Try to understand and implement in your life for better results and kindly feel free to reach us for more details and guidance.

For many of you these knowledge is gonna be completely new & exciting, for few of you may be knowing few things so please consider this as a reinforcement to go deeper into you to produce more results.

Let's get started...

The ultimate goal of anything that we do on this planet is to Be Happy, Be in peace or you can call it by any name or word as abundance, satisfaction etc... For which there are many aspects but we would like to consider Health, Wealth and Relationship as common and primary key factors. Out of these three...We feel everything is equally important! Lack of any one eventually will affect other factors. So we are going to share practical ideas and real time solutions for your life.

Since we want to keep this blog as interactive as possible, we are gonna share information randomly instead of going in a structured way. We want to keep this interaction open to every individual by respecting and honouring their own belief system and values.

First thing we all want to remember is that by birth we are all same and born with all the capabilities. By default YOU ARE THE BEST But as we have grown and evolved tons of things influenced us to be what we are today. So we want to remind you that whatever we have learned can be unlearned and we can learn & mould our life as we wish... also it is very very important to remember that it is 100% OUR CHOICE even though many factor influenced us it is completely our own choice will lead to HAPPINESS...☺ 

Everyone of us are very unique with our perceptions, thinking process, character etc...The major factors that influences us are as SEER...

"S" Stands for Social (The society/community we live )  
"E" Stands for Economic (Our economical conditions)
"E" Stands for Education (The educational system that we study and this not limited to            formal school or college education also applies for life experience)
"R" Stands for Religious beliefs

For few mins just think about the above factors and see how you are influenced by these factors. And also see yourself born and brought up in different "SEER", We are sure that you will be able to understand that you might have not be the same person that you are today

We will be coming back with more life altering ideas soon...Meanwhile we request you to list down the items that you want to transform in your life to be the best. It can be about Mind, Body, Health, Relationship, Success, Failure, Manifestation, Character and anything about your life. 

See you soon friends...with Love
Emayam Academy.